Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
A de Montfort Priest
National Director and National Moderator for the Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts
Itinerant Preacher and Retreat Master
A Missionary Preacher that travels throughout the US and the World
Director of Montfort Publications in NY
Responsible for Montfort Publications and Author of several books on the Spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
Director (Pastor) at the Shrine
Company of Mary
As a priest of the United States Province of the Company of Mary, I am bound to operate in full accordance with Catholic teaching and tradition and to place myself at the service of the renewal of the Catholic Church in the United States. As a preacher and retreat master, I am active in both English and Spanish and my ministry includes parish missions as well as days of recollection, retreat preaching and programs of formation in the spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort – most especially involving how to develop and live a true devotion to the Blessed Virgin and the preparation for and living of the Total Consecration of oneself to Jesus through Mary.