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The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts’ Spiritual Media Available

Members of the The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts practice Montfortian Spirituality and freely make available Spiritual Media, Articles and Formative Materials to all in the Rio Grande Valley.

QoAH offers five types of Media and Articles. Find out more about what is available below.

Spiritual Insights

Spiritual Insights are normally one audio featuring a Montfortian Spirituality topic.

Conference Audio

Conference Audio normally contains multiple audios. For example: Devotion to Mary: Transformation of the Heart.


There are four groups of Video media, including the Writings of St. Louis de Montfort.

The Queen: Articles

The Queen: Articles: The sole purpose of The Queen is to explain in a simple, popular language the role God has assigned to Mary in His plan of Redemption: her privileges and power, but most especially her rights over our souls.

The Queen: Q&A

The Queen: Questions & Answers (Q&A) address questions posed by those who practice Montfortian Spirituality.

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